New Undertale Fanon AU Wiki

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New Undertale Fanon AU Wiki

"I want to show you kindness but...You have killed too much and now you must die"


After Killer and Chara reignited their timeline wars once again battling in the Ruins, Snowdin, Waterfall, Hotlands, etc. only for other monsters to get caught in the crossfire including Papyrus. In one time timeline when Killer Sans is slaughtered by the human he runs away all the way to the corridor scared for his safety, but soon realises that he is alone. Papyrus then starts walk back at the entrance in the Corridor only for them to meet the human and be slayed by them. Papyrus then wakes up in shock thinking at first it was a dream however when touches his skull he found a scar where the human grazed him.

Papyrus then wears dark blue jeans and a cool t-shirt walking out of Snowdin not wearing battle armour and is determined to find his brother before the human does. Going to Snowdin forest he eventually finds the two battling it out clashing their knives when Papyrus decides to immobilise the human using the blue bone attack. Killer slightly surprised to see his brother in Snowdin forest, but he has a chance to kill the human which Papyrus soon tried to stop his brother from doing. Killer tries to use logic why the human is a threat, but Papyrus is trying to find alternatives at the moment to figure out the situation properly.

Killer then agrees not out for sympathy for his brother, but because killing the human would do them no good due to their power of Determination. The human however, breaks out of the blue bone attack although being inflicted with minor damage. Killer then pushes Papyrus out of the way about to block the attack yet as their blades clash he disarmed and shortly the knife is pierced through his chest. Papyrus is then terrified, but before he could anything he sees his brother turn to dust while the human looks at him next. Papyrus quickly grabs his brother's jacket and flees back to his house supplying himself with a bag pack and a chest plate then running off to Waterfall.

Papyrus then warns Undyne to escort all the residents to the Hotlands as genocidal human is rampaging in Snowdin killing his brother as he is certain that they will come to Waterfall as well. Undyne nods seeing the trauma Papyrus has suffered as they both go around Waterfall finding all the residents and escorting them out of the area. Undyne decides to stay to face the human which Papyrus tries to persuade her to not go alone, yet she assures him that she will be alright. Undyne tells Papyrus to go to Hotlands to evacuate everyone else which he reluctantly does saying their farewells.

Papyrus enters Hotlands and helps all the people he could find evacuate the area along with Alphys who helped him along the way. Papyrus then goes back to the corridor to the throne room where he decides to face the human and eventually they show up. Papyrus states reluctantly "I want to show you kindness but...You have killed too much and now you must die." They battled however, in the end Papyrus is slayed once again and remembering everything that happened last time. Papyrus then gets change into his clothes also equipping himself with the chest plate and the bag pack, but as he looks for his brother and the human they are nowhere to be found.

Papyrus looks everywhere, but apparently everyone has forgotten who Sans (Killer) as he has been erased from history. Papyrus knows he had a brother, but he eventually gives up although the human is no longer around the same fate happened to his brother. Papyrus makes a drawing of him and his brother hoping that if he does forget he would at least something to remember him by. Papyrus becomes focused and wants to help everyone he can dedicating himself to be a Royal Guard preparing for the next human to arrive. Using his creativity he finds ways to capture the human unharmed, but also they cannot harm others at the same time and when the time comes he will give the human to the Mountain King, so that the Underground will finally be free.



Papyrus has a scar on his skull because of when he was attacked, he has no battle suit, so wears a jacket with a chest plate underneath and jeans. He has a bag pack where he stores everything he needs to cook for monsters in need.


he is Very Nice to To everybody but if someone attacks him he's not going to be nice and attack back he will kill someone if he must.


Healing: Every LV!Tale monster can heal themselves or others.

Bones: he can change their color after they have been summoned.

Eternal: LV!Tale Papyrus cannot die of age.

Soul Manipulation: LV!Tale Papyrus can turn your SOUL blue.

Water Breathing: LV!Tale Papyrus can breath underwater.

Weapon master: He's a Master with all Long-range weapons.(ex:guns,bows,throwing axe, etc.)

Void-walker: He is capable of entering the void, as well as surviving within it but only for 10 hours

Presence: Cause beneficial effects on the users surroundings.(similar to good-God).

Food Magic: He can make any food up here or the ingredients to the food and make them deadly if he wants.

Fire and ice resistance: all fire and ice can't hurt him.

Wind punch: He can strike from a distance by generating a wave of wind.


Knife: just a Normal knife.


sad time mode[]

pap can transform into a more powerful version of himself. All of his ATK, DEF and more will be multiplied by 10. This form will only be activated by sadness.




Fear of being alone


Fear of thunder and lightning


Fear of darkness


LV Sans[]

He loves his brother, but is a bit afraid of him since he is infected by the virus. He searches for a way to heal him, but he hasn't found one yet.
