New Undertale Fanon AU Wiki

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New Undertale Fanon AU Wiki


Please understand that this isn't an existing character in the Undertale Omniverse, I made this character for the sole purpose of simply making a character, I've had this character in my mind for a very long time and I just wanted to post this, I do not mind if anybody decides to weave this character into a storyline for their only individual made-up character or maybe even a big purpose character. I'm not gonna beg for a drawing of this character, but I am hoping that if somebody does make a fan-art of my character, I'd prefer if they commented or possibly even gave me a link to the picture so I could use it if they would be okay with it. Something also that I'd really appreciate it if people did not add any information without consulting me first. Thank you.

"Let's face it brother, we've become the monsters our parents wanted us not to be." Annihilus to Ragnarok

"You act like taking a life is the end of the world, but in reality, killing is just the natural impulse for any living organism in the universe." Annihilus to Olteus (ol-tay-us)


Deep in the universe far beyond the boundaries of the Omniverse was a place that was known as "Titanasterra". It was home to the titan race and for many years had no leader, so the place had been anarchy, people killing each other for valuables, food, and water. Families struggled to put food on the table and the divine entities that had watched the planet it figured it would be a lost cause. However, one day, a quiet morning (which was actually quite unusual given the circumstances) was interrupted by a loud explosion right into the center of what was the largest city, but still, it was still quite small. People went to the crater and found a man lying there in the center, now the people figured he was dead, after all, no way somebody could have possibly survived a fall from such a height, right? They were wrong. The man opened his eyes and drew his weapons, and looked around. He saw the faces of angry people turn into looks of shock and terror, they all figured they could gang up on him, however, this man quickly whipped them into shape, this man would soon be known as the first leader of the planet. The "things" name was Orochi. Fast-forwarding about 100 years into the future Orochi had proved to be an excellent leader, seemingly, in a decent-sized house lived. 5 people, A female warrior named Banshee, a deceitful gunman named Vastus, and a cold-blooded war-hungry demon named Ragnaros. Then of course, 2 children, one named Annihilus and another named Ragnarok, Ragnarok being the eldest of the two brothers. It was a peaceful night, the rain was pitter-pattering against a metal roof of a cozy little home, the wind was slightly blowing making a gentle whooshing noise through your ears, the family was enjoying themselves they were all laughing over dinner eating delicious food, they were all a high-end family, considering that Banshee, Vastus, and Ragnaros are members of the council, Orochi obviously being the leader. After dinner everybody was enjoying themselves, playing cards, telling jokes, poking fun at one another, it was truly beautiful and everybody was having a great time. "Alright kids, why don't you go to bed, it's getting quite late, don't you think?" said Banshee, calmly. "Heh, guess so," said Annihilus. Ragnarok and Annihilus went toward there rooms. "What do you think, brother?" Annihilus ask him. "You're gonna have to elaborate on that," Ragnarok said confused. "Do you think we should join the military, follow in our parent's footsteps?" Annihilus said. "I think not," said Ragnarok, "Our parents really don't want us to become like them, I want to be strong, like my dad, but I also don't want to disappoint my dad either. So I can't really say we should or we shouldn't." Ragnarok said. "Hm, well alright." Annihilus shrugged. "Good night, brother," Ragnarok smirked. "Good night," Annihilus replied. They both went into their rooms and they both quickly drifted off to sleep, as the parents continued to talk, and the rain continued to fall. 2 Hours Later

Maybe around 2 AM in the morning there was a loud crash and screaming, there was banging around and screaming, it pierced the night, drowning out the sounds of the downpour outside, over the thunder, over the wind. Annihilus's eyes shot open. He went out of his bedroom and approached the living room, there was Fimblwintur, Orochi's right-hand man, at that time at least, was pacing around the living room, on the ground was Vastus, he had been bruised up pretty bad, he was bleeding heavily as well. So were Ragnaros and Banshee. Ragnarok came up behind Annihilus scaring Annihilus, Ragnarok clasped his hand over Annihilus's mouth. Then they watched as Fimbulwintur walked around the living with a sword in his hand. "I gotta say, I doubted you, people, at first, I have such... great faith that you could do the right thing. But you and your big mouths of course talked, that I can't let you live for." Fimbulwintur laughed. "Please... don't hurt us, there are children in the house." Banshee pleaded. "There are kids here? Can't let them live either..." Fimbulwintur said as he shook his head. He then stabbed Banshee through the heart. "You next," Fimbulwintur grinned as he pointed the sword at the throat of Ragnaros. He then slit the throat of Ragnaros. Ragnarok's face went from worried to pure-blooded rage, his eyes were starting to catch on fire. Then Fimbulwintur looked at Vastus, "One more problem," he said. "Got any last words for me?" Fimbulwintur grinned. Vastus looked at the 2 children and then at Fimbulwintur and looked him dead in the eyes. "F&%k. You." Vastus said. Fimbulwintur laughed, and grabbed Vastus's gun right off the floor and pointed it between his eyes. The cocked the gun. Vastus closed his eyes. Then, BANG! Vastus dropped dead right on the floor. Fimbulwintur then saw the 2 children and then Annihilus stepped out from behind the wall. Ragnarok looked in horror. Annihilus put his arms out. "Shoot me," Annihilus said. Fimbulwintur pointed the gun at him, put his finger on the trigger... nothing. "SHOOT ME! YOU BASTARD!" Annihilus shouted. Fimbulwintur had a troubled expression on his face, then he put the gun at his side. "Have a miserable rest of your life," he smirked. Then Fimbulwintur walked right out the door. Annihilus looked at his father's corpse and put it in his arms, he then wept uncontrollably. Ragnarok saw his father's body and screamed into the air he clutched his head and began to scratch himself very hard. After that day, Annhilus and Ragnarok went insane and became the very monsters that their parents had hoped they'd never become. Annihilus became an assassin and Ragnarok became Orochi's, new right-hand man.


Annihilus about 10 Feet tall and wears a black assassin cloak with combat boots. He has black hair, yellow eyes, and he is white. He usually has a look of contempt on his face and carries his weapons with him at all times, except for maybe the H.E.A.D.T.A.K.E.R.


Particle Manipulation

Annihilus can summon items from thin air and summon his weapons from thin are as well, as well as summon powerful lasers and possibly even gaster blasters.

Molten Gold Regeneration

If Annihilus ever gets injured, he can summon molten gold to heal himself, however, this only works if he loses a limb or breaks a bone.

Skin Hardening

He can turn his skin into gold causing him to deal more damage


Upon death, he can regenerate his body, however, this process takes at least a week to fully complete.


He can teleport to other universes.

Mental Manipulation

He can tap into people's minds and basically become them, he can see through there eyes, do actions for them, and even speak for them.


He is an agent of Disorder which is a group of people created by Malignagon (Mal-I-nig-on) created to kill the balance keepers created by Nexon. He can summon Disorder fire, which is a fire that burns hotter than almost any fire in the vast universe. He also does double damage to balance keepers

X-Charge Weapons

He can X-Charge any gun causing the gun to obliterate anything the bullet hits, if he were to X-Charge a simple handgun, it could potentially obliterate an entire building. This only works on guns however, meaning melee weapons cannot be X-Charged.


This an ax that Annihilus usually never has to use. It has the ability to shoot lasers, catch on fire (Disorder fire), and sharp enough to cleave through a skyscraper in one slash. If it kills anything, the body will be

Gold Cannon

A laser blaster he summons that shoot high powered lasers that can obliterate entire planets easily.
